Thursday, February 19, 2015

Doodle Farm Combinations List

Doodle Farm is an element combining game made by JoyBits Ltd. In this game you have to make combinations of farm animals to find new animals. A total of 135 animals are awaiting to be discovered by you in Doodle Farm, and finding all of the right combinations is not so easy. If you run out of ideas you finally got a break, because you found this guide. I will help you find your missing animals by showing you the combinations you missed. Below i made a list that contains all the combinations, and i sorted this list in alphabetical order, so you can easily find the solution you are looking for. So if cheating is the last resort for you, this list is gold for you. Just look for the combinations you want and you will finally unlock all the animals in Doodle Farm.

Doodle Farm Answers, Cheats, Solutions

Doodle Farm Letter A, B, C, D Combinations

Albatross: Seagull + Cheetah
Anchovy: Starting Animal
Ant: Worm + Mouse
Anteater: Raccoon + Elephant
Antelope: Leopard + Moose
Badger: Panda + Gopher
Bat: Mouse + Crow
Bear: Shark + Beaver
Beaver: Hamster + Rat
Bee: Zebra + Fly
Boar: Pig + Mammoth
Bug: Snail + Cockroach
Butterfly: Fly + Hummingbird
Camel: Cow + Donkey
Cat: Mouse + Mouse
Catfish: Pigeon + Seal
Cheetah: Cat + Lynx
Chick: Chicken + Rooster
Chicken: Egg + Egg
Chinchilla: Mouse + Squirrel
Cobra: Tarantula + Worm
Cockroach: Mouse + Ant
Cow: Goat + Moose
Crab: Shrip + Scorpion
Crocodile: Shark + Lizard
Crow: Pigeon + Rat
Cuckoo: Sparrow + Crow
Deer: Moose + Lynx
Dingo: Wolf + Dog
Dinosaur: Raptor + Mammoth
Dog: Cat + Rat
Dolphin: Monkey + Penguin
Donkey: Ram + Goat
Duck: Beaver + Chicken

Doodle Farm Letter E, F, G, H, I, J, K Combinations

Eagle: Piranha + Duck
Eel: Cobra + Herring
Egg: Starting Animal
Elephant: Giraffe + Hippopotamus
Falcon: Crow + Osterich
Flamingo: Pigeon + Heron
Flounder: Anchovy + Shrimp
Fly: Cockroach + Mosquito
Fox: Dog + Magpie
Frog: Kangaroo + Lizard
Giraffe: Ostrich + Horse
Goat: Pig + Cat
Goose: Rooster + Turkey
Gopher: Heron + Cat
Gorilla: Ox + Monkey
Grasshopper: Mouse + Mosquito
Griffon: Dog + Eagle
Guinea Pig: Mouse + Hamster
Hamster: Rat + Mouse
Hawk: Eagle + Falcon
Hedgehog: Porcupine + Hamster
Heron: Duck + Ostrich
Herring: Anchovy + Anchovy
Hippopotamus: Crocodile + Penguin
Horse: Cow + Deer
Hummingbird: Sparrow + Mosquito
Hyena: Dog + Griffon
Iguana: Cobra + Lizard
Jackal: Hyena + Fox
Jaguar: Cat + Cheetah
Kangaroo: Rabbit + Chinchilla
Kiwi: Chick + Mosquito
Koala: Kangaroo + Bear

Doodle Farm Letter L, M, N, O, P Combinations

Ladybug: Bug + Butterfly
Leech: Anchovy + Mosquito
Lemur: Cat + Zebra
Leopard: Lynx + Cheetah
Lion: Horse + Tiger
Lizard: Pike + Cobra
Llama: Camel + Horse
Lobster: Shrimp + Sea Cucumber
Lynx: Cat + Fox
Magpie: Rat + Crow
Mammoth: Squirrel + Elephant
Manatee: Shark + Cow
Mink: Cat + Hamster
Moby Dick: Shark + Whale
Mole: Mouse + Ant
Monkey: Lemur + Squirrel
Moose: Donkey + Goat
Mosquito: Ant + Chick
Moth: Leech + Mosquito
Mouse: Starting Animal
Mussel: Anchovy + Snail
Ostrich: Peacock + Rooster
Owl: Eagle + Mole
Ox: Boar + Cow
Panda: Polar Bear + Bear
Panther: Lynx + Leopard
Parrot: Peacock + Crow
Peacock: Pigeon + Chicken
Penguin: Herring + Duck
Pig: Turkey + Hippopotamus
Pigeon: Sparrow + Sparrow
Pike: Herring + Eel
Piranha: Cat + Herring
Platypus: Beaver + Duck
Polar Bear: Bear + Penguin
Polar Fox: Polar Bear + Fox
Porcupine: Squirrel + Raccoon
Praying Mantis: Cockroach + Grasshopper

Doodle Farm Letter R, S, T, W, Y, Z Combinations

Rabbit: Squirrel + Beaver
Raccoon: Squirrel + Beaver
Ram: Pig + Goat
Raptor: Gorilla + Crocodile
Rat: Mouse + Mouse
Rhinoceros: Woodpecker + Hippopotamus
Rooster: Chicken + Chicken
Scorpion: Rat + Ant
Sea Cucumber: Shrimp + Turtle
Seagull: Polar Fox + Duck
Seal: Cow + Penguin
Shark: Pike + Piranha
Sheep: Pig + Goat
Shrimp: Anchovy + Snail
Skunk: Tarantula + Chinchilla
Sloth: Monkey + Donkey
Snail: Leech + Cockroach
Sparrow: Chick + Chicken
Spider: Cockroach + Ant
Squirrel: Cat + Hamster
Stork: Heron + Albatross
Swan: Pigeon + Duck
Tarantula: Spider + Scorpion
Tiger: Zebra + Panther
Turkey: Peacock + Chicken
Turtle: Snail + Platypus
Whale: Shark + Hippopotamus
Wolf: Hyena + Dog
Woodpecker: Sparrow + Rooster
Worm: Starting Animal
Yeti: Polar Bear + Gorilla
Zebra: Horse + Horse

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