Short Summary: Powerless by Lauren Roberts is the first installment in The Powerless Trilogy , a young adult fantasy series set in the Kingdom of Ilya, where society is sharply divided between the powerful Elites and the powerless Ordinaries. The narrative follows Paedyn Gray , an Ordinary who has spent her life concealing her true abilities to survive in the slums. Her life takes a dramatic turn when she crosses paths with Prince Kai Azer , the future Enforcer of the crown, who possesses the rare ability to absorb and utilize others' powers. Their initial encounter leads to a complex relationship, blending animosity with an undeniable attraction. As Paedyn becomes entangled in the kingdom's political machinations and the deadly Purging Trials designed to eliminate the powerless, she must navigate her growing feelings for Kai, her hidden powers, and the oppressive societal structures that threaten her existence. The story delves into themes of identity, power, and the quest f...