Friday, December 19, 2014

Trivia Crack (Geography) Answers All Questions

Trivia Crack is an trivia game made by Etermax. In Trivia Crack you have to give answers to different questions from various topics. You have 4 possible answers and you have to choose the right answer. Some of the questions in this trivia game are harder and you will need a little help to solve them. If you don't know how to answer to one of the questions in "Geography" Pack, you are on the right page. Below you will find all the question in "Geography" Pack and all the correct answers to the questions. The levels are sorted in alphabetical order, so you can easily find the answer you are looking for.

Other Packs: ArtEntertainmentScience - Sports - Geography - History

Trivia Crack (Geography) Answers, Cheats, Solutions

Trivia Crack (Geography) 1 to 25 Answers

Q: Algeria has a coastline on which sea?
Answer: Mediterranean sea

Q: Botswana is located in what continent?
Answer: Africa

Q: Chestnut cream is traditional in what country’s gastronomy?
Answer: France

Q: DE is the international code for what country?
Answer: Germany

Q: Freetown is the capital of what country?
Answer: Sierra Leone

Q: How is the ancient Ottoman Empire called today?
Answer: Turkey

Q: How many boroughs does New York City have?
Answer: 4

Q: How many countries are in the United Kingdom?
Answer: 4

Q: How many countries border with Egypt?
Answer: 4

Q: How many countries share borders with Germany?
Answer: 9

Q: How many island make up the state of Hawaii?
Answer: 8

Q: How many official languages are there in Switzerland?
Answer: 4

Q: IE is the international code for which country?
Answer: Ireland

Q: In what continent is Singapore?
Answer: Asia

Q: In what country is Ushuaia, the southernmost city in the world?
Answer: Argentina

Q: In what country is the city of Gruyere?
Answer: Switzerland

Q: In which continent can we find the Weddell Sea?
Answer: Antarctica

Q: In which continent is India located?
Answer: Asia

Q: In which country is Mount Kenya?
Answer: Kenya

Q: In which of the following countries there is NO desert?
Answer: Germany

Q: Managua is the capital of which country?
Answer: Nicaragua

Q: Monrovia is the capital of what country?
Answer: Liberia

Q: Morocco is a country within which continent?
Answer: Africa

Q: Nepal is north of what country?
Answer: India

Q: On which sea does Romania have a coastline?
Answer: Black Sea

Trivia Crack (Geography) 26 to 50 Answers

Q: Rice with milk is a traditional dessert in many countries. Which of the Following ones is not one of them?
Answer: The Netherlands

Q: Senegal is located in what continent?
Answer: Africa

Q: Taiwan is also known as?
Answer: Formosa island

Q: The Amstel flows through which European city?
Answer: Amsterdam

Q: The Golden Gate is the symbol of what city?
Answer: San Francisco

Q: The Middle passage took place over which ocean?
Answer: Atlantic Ocean

Q: The Tuvans are known for their throat singing. Where are they from?
Answer: Siberia

Q: The city of Cali is located in what country?
Answer: Colombia

Q: The ‘Maple Leaf’ flag is the national flag of what country?
Answer: Canada

Q: Togo is located in what continent?
Answer: The African continent

Q: Unsurprisingly, what country’s official animal is the panda?
Answer: China

Q: What Chilean city is famous because of its elevators?
Answer: Valparaiso

Q: What Ukrainian city is also known as ‘the pearl of the Black Sea’?
Answer: Odessa

Q: What animals are depicted on Mexico’s national flag?
Answer: An eagle and a snake

Q: What are the colors in the flag of France?
Answer: Blue, white and red

Q: What are the colors of the Philippines flag?
Answer: Blue, red, yellow and white

Q: What colors are on the Mexican flag?
Answer: Red, white and green

Q: What colors did the Libyan flag have before their civil war in 2011?
Answer: Green

Q: What colors is the flag of Bolivia?
Answer: Red, yellow and green

Q: What colors is the flag of Iraq?
Answer: Red, white and black

Q: What countries are part of the BRICS?
Answer: Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa

Q: What countries border Venezuela?
Answer: Colombia, Brazil and Guyana

Q: What countries borders Vietnam in the east?
Answer: None

Q: What country do the Corn Islands belong to?
Answer: Nicaragua

Q: What country has the most of the gas and petrol?
Answer: Saudi Arabia

Trivia Crack (Geography) 51 to 75 Answers

Q: What country is famous for the maple tree?
Answer: Canada

Q: What country is the last to see the sun set?
Answer: Samoa

Q: What do the flags of Peru and Canada have in common?
Answer: The colors red and white

Q: What element does Argentina owe its name to?
Answer: Silver

Q: What is Challenger Abyss?
Answer: The deepest point in the oceans

Q: What is Italy’s shape similar to?
Answer: A boot

Q: What is the biggest city in Hungary?
Answer: Budapest

Q: What is the capital of Colombia?
Answer: Bogota

Q: What is the capital of France?
Answer: Paris

Q: What is the capital of South Korea?
Answer: Seoul

Q: What is the continental block formed by Europe and Asia?
Answer: Eurasia

Q: What is the currency unit of Morocco?
Answer: Dirham

Q: What is the imaginary line that divides the Earth’s surface into the Northern and Southern Hemispheres?
Answer: Equator

Q: What is the main religion in Greece?
Answer: Orthodox

Q: What is the most populated city in Africa?
Answer: Cairo

Q: What is the most populated state in the United States?
Answer: California

Q: What is the mountain range that divides Spain and France called?
Answer: The Pyrenees

Q: What is the name of the Canal that connects the Atlantic and the Pacific?
Answer: Panama Canal

Q: What is the name of the island where Napoleon was born?
Answer: Corsica

Q: What is the name of the largest rodent species found in South America?
Answer: Capybara

Q: What is the real name of the Japanese Cat Island, famous for its huge cat population?
Answer: Tashirojima

Q: What ocean is to the East of the United States?
Answer: Atlantic Ocean

Q: What state is not located Northeast region of the United States?
Answer: Georgia

Q: What were Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Finland called?
Answer: Scandinavia

Q: What’s Scotland largest city?
Answer: Glasgow

Q: What’s the capital of Albania?
Answer: Tirana

Trivia Crack (Geography) 75 to 100 Answers

Q: What’s the capital of Bahamas?
Answer: Nassau

Q: What’s the capital of Republic of Guinea?
Answer: Conakry

Q: What’s the capital of United Arab Emirates?
Answer: Abu Dhabi

Q: What’s the capital of Uruguay?
Answer: Montevideo

Q: What’s the international code for Cuba?
Answer: CU

Q: What’s the meaning of D.C in Washington D.C?
Answer: District of Columbia

Q: What’s the most populated city in Scotland?
Answer: Glasgow

Q: What’s the official currency of Costa Rica?
Answer: Costa Rican Colon

Q: What’s the official currency of Denmark?
Answer: Krone

Q: What’s the official currency of Paraguay?
Answer: Paraguayan Pesos

Q: What’s the official language in Uruguay?
Answer: Spanish

Q: What’s the worlds highest waterfall?
Answer: Angel Falls

Q: When is it autumn in the Southern hemisphere?
Answer: March to June

Q: When is it spring in the Southern hemisphere?
Answer: September to December

Q: When is it summer in Southern hemisphere?
Answer: December to March

Q: Where are hamburgers originally from?
Answer: Germany

Q: Where are pretzels from?
Answer: Germany

Q: Where can you find the largest flower, Rafflesia?
Answer: Malaysia

Q: Where is Ethiopia located?
Answer: Eastern Africa

Q: Where is Honduras located?
Answer: Central America

Q: Where is the Canaima Jungle?
Answer: Venezuela

Q: Where is the Capoeira dance from?
Answer: Brazil

Q: Where is the Perito Moreno glacier?
Answer: Argentina

Q: Where is the Statue of Liberty?
Answer: New York

Q: Where is the brandy ‘Cognac’ from?
Answer: France

Q: Where is the city of Pernambuco?
Answer: Brazil

Trivia Crack (Geography) 101 to 125 Answers

Q: Where is the island of Malta located?
Answer: Mediterranean Sea

Q: Where is the island of Margarita situated?
Answer: Venezuela

Q: Where is the most visited museum in the world?
Answer: Paris

Q: Where is the oldest subway located?
Answer: London

Q: Where is whisky from?
Answer: Ireland

Q: Which colours appear in the Chilean flag?
Answer: Red, blue and white

Q: Which continent are the Philippines located in?
Answer: The Asian continent

Q: Which country has a red flag with five stars in the left corner?
Answer: China

Q: Which country is Mount Everest located in?
Answer: Nepal

Q: Which country is not an island?
Answer: Germany

Q: Which country of origin is Manchego cheese?
Answer: Spain

Q: Which country put a ban against EU products in 2014?
Answer: Russia

Q: Which is not a name of a sea?
Answer: Pacific

Q: Which is the capital of Angola?
Answer: Luanda

Q: Which is the largest city of South America?
Answer: Sao Paulo

Q: Which is the largest mountain in the world?
Answer: Mt Everest

Q: Which is the main meridian?
Answer: Greenwich

Q: Which is the most northeasterly country on the mainland of Africa?
Answer: Egypt

Q: Which is the most populated city in China?
Answer: Shanghai

Q: Which is the most populated city in the world?
Answer: Tokyo

Q: Which is the most populated city of Turkey?
Answer: Istanbul

Q: Which is the only country who borders with Portugal?
Answer: Spain

Q: Which is the only peninsula and subcontinent of the world?
Answer: India

Q: Which of the following countries does NOT have red in its flag?
Answer: Saudi Arabia

Q: Which of the following countries has the highest life expectancy?
Answer: Japan

Trivia Crack (Geography) 126 to 150 Answers

Q: Which of the following does not correspond to arid climate?
Answer: All are correct

Q: Which of the following is not an island?
Answer: Nicaragua

Q: Which of the following is the previous capital of England?
Answer: Winchester

Q: Which of the following volcanoes is not located in Africa?
Answer: Stromboli Volcano

Q: Which of these countries doesn’t border Brazil?
Answer: Ecuador

Q: Which of these countries has a pink lake?
Answer: Australia

Q: Which of these countries is not bordered by the Baltic Sea?
Answer: Norway

Q: Which of these is NOT one of the ‘New Wonders of the World’?
Answer: Eiffel Tower (France)

Q: Which of these is the capital city of Argentina?
Answer: Buenos Aires

Q: Which one is the highest mountain in the world?
Answer: Mount Everest

Q: Which river rises in the Black Forest and flows into the Black Sea?
Answer: Danube river

Q: Yerevan is the capital of what country?
Answer: Armenia

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